Annunciation/Evangelismos Church Catechism School



Calling all 7th-12th Grade Annunciation Students!

On behalf of Father John and our Catechism School, I’m pleased to announce that we are once again participating in the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival. As you know, St. John Chrysostom was renowned for his oratorical skills, such that he is called the “golden mouth.” The purpose of the Festival is to give our youth an opportunity to learn and speak about their Orthodox faith, their Church, and their heritage. Our hope is to help our students gain self-confidence in themselves and their faith and strengthen their understanding and appreciation of their identities as Orthodox Christians. 

Our Parish Oratorical Festival will take place on Sunday, February 23rd, after Divine Liturgy. Those eligible to participate are our Greek Orthodox youth, grades 7-9 (Junior Division) and 10-12 (Senior Division). Participants are asked to write and deliver a brief speech on ONE of many topics, which - along with tips and resources - can be found here.

The Oratorical Festival is divided into the Senior Division (grades 10-12) and Junior Division. (grades 7-9).  The participants start at the parish level, where finalists are selected to proceed to their district (DVYC) level. Finalists from the DVYC District are then selected to give their speeches at the Metropolis level, and then two Metropolis finalists representing each Metropolis/DAD of the Archdiocese proceed to the national finals.  

Participants at the National Finals receive awards from the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Award Fund, ranging from $500 to $2000, and FAITH: An Endowment for Orthodoxy and Hellenism. The Chrysostom Scholarship Program of Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology also offers scholarships at all four levels of the Oratorical Festival. 

Mitch, Debbie (our HS and MS Catechism teachers) and I are more than happy to help advise any interested students. The Archdiocese also provides wonderful resources, including a summary of participant information, tips for writing and rehearsing your speech, and a NEW 2025 Topics, Tips, and Resources comprehensive guide. Additional information and resources can be found here.

At our parish Oratorical Festival on February 23th,  finalists from each division will be selected, will receive $25 gift cards, and will be invited to move on to represent our Church at the DelVal District Level Festival on March 15 in Egg Harbor Township. If successful there, they would advance to the Metropolis and National levels on Saturday, April 26, and May 30-June 1, respectively. 

To register, fill out THIS FORM and please also let me know via email. On the aforementioned form, please make sure to input as the Parish Chairperson Email so that I will also receive confirmation.

Thank you for your participation and eagerness to honor this long-standing tradition of celebrating one of the Patriarchs of our great faith. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.




Our youth and choir presented a precious Christmas Pageant this past Sunday. Seeing Parishioners, families, and friends gather together to sing Christmas carols and hymns was heartwarming. Oh, to keep this spirit in our hearts all year long! I would like to thank our youth leaders and parents for their loving and thoughtful dedication to our annual pageant. And a tremendous heartfelt thank you to Jim Papacostas, the beautiful choir and organist, for their tireless efforts, enthusiasm, and extraordinary talents in bringing it all together. 

Wishing you all a blessed and Merry Christmas

With love 

Effie Patounas



Dear Families and Supporters of Annunciation Catechism School,

On behalf of Father John and our teachers, I’m excited to welcome our students back for another great year of learning about their beautiful faith and getting to know their Orthodox peers. On Sunday, September 15, 2024, the first day of Catechism School, Father John will call the youth to the front of the church just before communion to bless the students, after which they will line up to receive and then head directly to their classrooms. This year, we invite parents to drop in the classroom wing after Liturgy ends for a Catechism Open House to meet your child(ren)’s teachers and see their classrooms. The Catechism School year runs from mid-September until the beginning of June, with a few important dates to bear in mind:

  • September 15th: First day of Classes
  • December 1: NO CLASS, Thanksgiving Break
  • December 22: Nativity Pageant
  • December 29: NO CLASS, Christmas Break
  • February 2: Godparent Sunday
  • February 23: Parish Oratorical Festival
  • April 18: Holy Friday Youth Retreat
  • April 20: NO CLASS, Holy Pascha
  • May 25: NO CLASS, Memorial Day Weekend
  • June 1: Graduation Sunday

As always, thank you so much to our parish leadership, our families, and the greater Annunciation community for your love and support. It takes all of us working together to build a strong foundation of faith for our children and to raise them up in Christ.

We look forward to a blessed year of learning, prayer, and fun!

With gratitude,
Jacinda Ojeda

Catechism School Director


Gather the people together, men, and women, and children, and the stranger that is within your gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the Lord your God, and observe to do all the words of this law."  Deuteronomy 31:12.  

A house must have a foundation to stand firm, and a tree needs strong, deep roots to grow properly. The mission of The Annunciation Catechism School is to provide a safe, nurturing environment for our youth in which they may grow their faith in Christ, learn the traditions and teachings of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, lovingly and enthusiastically live that faith on purpose, become disciples, and experience God’s constant presence in their lives.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.” Matthew. 28:19-20


Our Church School program follows the recommended texts identified by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, which we supplement with various other references, projects, and activities. Our children also learn outside their classrooms by participating in church processions and special services, performing in the annual Nativity Pageant, attending "Ask Father" sessions with our Parish Priest, and collaborating with Annunciation/Evangelismos' various service organizations.


Catechism classes are held each Sunday from September through May and are offered for children in Pre-K (beginning at age four and fully toilet trained by the first day of class) through High School (12th grade).  For younger children, please see our “Little Apostles” pre-Catechism class. Classroom instruction starts immediately following Holy Communion and lasts approximately 45 minutes.  Lessons use innovative and creative teaching methods and follow the Archdioceses' curriculum supplemented by special programs and projects. Children learn best by living their faith with their family at home and with their friends in class, especially as they regularly participate together in the Liturgical and Sacramental life of the Church. Our dedicated teachers provide a welcoming, loving environment for all students. Learning can be, and is, fun! Join us!


Jacinda Ojeda, Director






Pre-K & K: Elena Economopoulos
1st & 2nd Grades: Kelly Toumbanakis
3rd & 4th Grades: Angela Gaugler
5th - 7th grades: Debbie Sourias
8th - 12th Grades: Demetrios Papakirk

We always need helping hands to improve our children's program and our service to our community. Please do not be shy! If you want to join this worthwhile effort, please contact Jacinda or Fr. John Johns.


The Children's Word-Orthodox Christian Network

A weekly newsletter that includes a message, coloring page, and activities on the Sunday Gospel lesson and one of the Saints for the week.

Orthodox Pebbles

Orthodox Pebbles- A digital collection of high-quality, free, online Orthodox Christian educational resources for young children.

Be the Bee

Be the Bee is a video series about finding God in everything, every day.


A collection of icon printables for coloring.