HOPE/JOY + Homeless Ministry January 2025 Project 

As we begin 2025, our HOPE/JOY is collaborating with the Homeless Ministry and collecting “Grab & Go” foods for local college students experiencing homelessness. Depaul USA, a national homeless services nonprofit organization, currently houses these students in Germantown.

Homelessness among college students has existed almost undetected for years. Homeless students blend in with other college students wearing jeans and T-shirts. There’s a lot of shame associated with being homeless, and students try to hide it if they can. Homelessness can strike college students at any time and for a variety of reasons: Financial aid is delayed. A poor choice is made. A car breaks down. A parent gets sick. Sometimes, a door has been shut. Most are students who have had very challenging lives and see education and college as the way out. And that’s the marvel, the miracle, and the hope. They show persistence and tenacity to keep going despite all the obstacles. If we don’t help those students get through whatever challenge they’re experiencing, we’re doing a disservice to them and the broader society. Education is key.

Someone can take away your home, money, and physical possessions, but they can’t take away your knowledge.

Please sign up HERE to help. Thank you!

Prayers for God's blessing of Happiness, Health, Peace, Faith, and Love in 2025!


Hello Hope/Joy Families!

On Saturday, November 16, our Annunciation Hope/JOY youth attended the DVYC Kid Mission event hosted by St. George in Media PA. This year’s theme was “Following in the footsteps of our Saints.”  The children connected the actions of various Greek Orthodox Saints to the mission of IOCC, emphasizing Christian service and humanitarian aid. Our Annunciation youth presented the life and miracles of Holy Righteous Martyr Saint Paraskevi, known for her selfless acts of kindness, heroic charities, and unwavering devotion to the Christian faith. It was a fantastic event reminding us that through service, we can each find a way to share Christ’s love, peace, and compassion.

In His Service,

Afrodite (Effie) Patounas










Our HOPE-JOY ministry serves children in kindergarten through 6th grade. We are committed to providing a welcoming and engaging environment for young Orthodox Christians to learn and grow in their faith. We offer a diverse range of fun events throughout the year, from social outings to faith-based activities, lenten retreats, and more. Children will also be involved in various community service projects, fostering a love for giving back to the community.


Parents with children in K-6th grades, get ready for a fun-filled journey with our youth ministry! We encourage you to become active in this ministry, which has a range of exciting activities planned. From monthly Friday nights with Fr. John to faith-learning crafts and snack time, field trips, and seasonal activities, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Please check our Weekly Bulletin and Community Calendar for upcoming HOPE-JOY activities.


Effie Patounas