Spiritual Life Ministry

Holy Protection Monastery Trip

Our mission is to nurture adult parishioners' spiritual life and development through Christian education, Bible studies, retreats, prayer, and fellowship.


We organize and coordinate weekly Bible Study groups at church, Advent and Lenten retreats, the Psalter, and monastery trips.

Contact Person
Barbara Louridas


Current and Upcoming Spiritual Life Ministry Events
Resources for Great Lent

The Pascha Lenten days and weeks approaching Great and Holy Week are an excellent opportunity to learn more about our Orthodox Faith. Pascha becomes a time of increased introspection when many ask questions about the Orthodox Faith and their own spiritual journey.

Our committee is here to help you find answers to your questions, remind you about prayers you may have forgotten about, and introduce you to new materials, translations, and anything else that can help you grow in your faith.

Here are a Few Ideas:








Lenten Prayer Vof St. Ephraim:
Add THIS PRAYER to your daily prayer life during Lent.

Akathist Prayer to the Virgin Mary
Add THIS PRAYER to your daily prayer life during Lent.

Learn to Chant the Akathist Service:
Listen to Audio HERE as you follow along in English.


Learn to Chant the Akathist Hymn:
Listen HERE as you follow along in English below.

O Champion General, * I, your City, now ascribe to you * triumphant anthems * as the tokens of my gratitude, * being rescued from the terrors, O Theotokos. * Inasmuch as * you have unassailable power, * from all kinds of perils free me so that unto you * I may cry aloud unto you: * Rejoice, O unwedded Bride.

Learn to Chant the Hymn to the Virgin Mary:
Listen to Audio HERE as you follow along below.

Seeing the beauty of your virginity, * and how resplendently shone forth your chastity, * amazed was Gabriel who cried to you thus, O Theotokos: * What shall I present to you * as a worthy encomium? * What shall I address you as? * At a loss and perplexed am I. * As ordered, therefore, thus do I shout to you: * Rejoice, O Maiden who are full of grace.

The Lenten Spring by Fr. Thomas Hopko.
Or Listen Here
Add a chapter to your daily prayer life.

It is a very easy-to-read book; chapters are very short, with only 3-5 pages per chapter.  Fr. Hopko talks about the joy and happiness that The Pascha Lent brings to us. Summarizing the parables, fasting, and repentance in just a few pages, he gives you a very good idea of what Pasha is about and, at the same time, tells you to go and learn more. I have read this book twice and am about to reread it. We do have it in the Resource Center.